24.03.2024 14:34
Departure from Regional Sorting Center
Harbin International Mail Processing Center, Harbin
20.03.2024 23:51
Item was released by Customs and is now with Canada Post for processing
Vancouver, Vancouver
17.03.2024 09:09
Arrived at airport of destination
13.03.2024 18:26
Arrived at Regional Facility
10.03.2024 03:44
National reception
Russian Federation, RU
06.03.2024 13:01
Arrived at [Putian city mail district center]
02.03.2024 22:19
Outbound in sorting center
Beijing Wangjing international exchange office, Beijing city
28.02.2024 07:36
Departed from [Ronggui international e-commerce operational department], next stop [Guangzhou international]
24.02.2024 16:54
Item has arrived at the delivery office in the destination country
Cali airlines airline
21.02.2024 02:11
In Customs. Your shipment is being managed by the Customs agent
17.02.2024 11:29
Arrived at Facility
Guangzhou International Mail Processing Center, Guangzhou city
13.02.2024 20:46
Received by the carrier
10.02.2024 06:04
Your parcel has arrived at the destination airport
Centro de Tratamento Lisboa
06.02.2024 15:21
Arrived at USPS Regional Facility
Mira Road S.O
03.02.2024 00:39
Yanwen Pickup scan
30.01.2024 09:56
Arrived at USPS Regional Facility
Belgium, BE
26.01.2024 19:14
Held by customs
Shenzhen International Mail Processing Center, Shenzhen city
23.01.2024 04:31
Your shipment has been delivered to the postal operator of the country of destination and will be delivered in the coming days
Airline ,Departed from airport
Tracking numbers examples: